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Ice Cream Stick Production Process


Date : 2017-04-26

Now the price of ice cream sticks is increasing year by year, this range is not very small. Raw materials are mainly birch which can dominate the birch 7%, into the 2 into the 3 into the maple bite with a small part of the other wood species (poplar, linden wood.) To join the maple is mainly to increase the weight. As for the poplar and linden wood is generally cheap or cutting when entrained, very few.

One is made of 4m or 6m logs into a standard small section (according to the requirements of the buyer saw the cut).

Two: cooking, in the container to cook a small section, the purpose is to remove the small pieces of bark and wood fully absorb moisture when the cut is not easy to break the board, the board was smooth surface.

Three: peeled, peeling skin

Four: cut, cut out of the board cut into a standard ice cream stick, and then by the conveyor belt and fan into the drying room (each factory has a different method).

Five: drying, polished. Put the dried ice cream stick into the polished drum to put the burrs off and put a little paraffin.

Six; selection, the polished good ice cream stick with artificial selection is divided into a material 2 material 3 material and waste. And bagging weighing (50 pounds)
Ice cream stick production line can finiesh these steps. If you need the production line, you can leave the message in our website.