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Woodworking Machinery maintenance


Date : 2016-04-15

        Emphasis on multi-saw woodworking machinery equipment maintenance can extend the life of equipment, such as multi-chip saw.
        Machinery and equipment production is important, the use of woodworking machinery enterprises should pay attention to the maintenance of electrical appliances, enterprises should follow woodworking machinery maintenance and repair of mechanical methods to eliminate electrical fault, extend service life and ensure normal production.
        1, with a full-time or part-time electrical maintenance personnel, conduct regular woodworking machinery and electrical maintenance. Woodworking machinery and electrical maintenance personnel require a higher level of professional furniture factory general electrical machinery and electrical maintenance personnel greater difficulties there are some difficulties. But at the machine manufacturer's instructions, do the electrical maintenance and regular maintenance routine, ready to exclude the use of woodworking machinery electrical accidents generated in the process.
        2, adjust the power frequency of use, rational use of energy. Woodworking machines big and small power consumption, the production of furniture to be reasonable with large and small mechanical power, maintain the relative balance of mechanical power consumption per unit time, for example, to avoid the peak time machine is turned on, the machine can be reduced due to lack of electricity and failures.
        3, regular inspection of electrical wiring, replacement of old wire cross-sectional area of ​​the cables is not enough to ensure that the need for mechanical appliances use. Summer occasion, air conditioning, fans, and a lot of civilian power, is bound to generate a voltage shortage, the impact of woodworking machinery and electrical operation of voltage stability at the regional situation, the unit voltage instability may consider replacing the cable; in the region under voltage instability cases to consider Capacity and replace the cable.